The above photo is from google..
Depression is a disease. It effects MILLIONS or more everyday. We have got to take loving, assertive action by showing endless attention, hugs, just listen, and if necessary your loving encouraging words you feelings on matters. Re-enforce strength, hope and togetherness in that situation. Sometimes family, the victim, and a doctor visit can help. Also, medicine can help. Always be with positive people. Change your lifestyle if need be. If there was abuse, report it. Also it may be the unfortunate company you keep. They may be saying discouraging remarks, jokes,. Anything that makes you feel awkward, uncomfortable,. Get away from them and tell someone. If need be report them. Be around positive people. Remind yourself you are an awesome person.
Google researches..
Roads to depression recovery:
Just as depression has many faces, so does its recovery. What works for one person might not work for another, and no one treatment is appropriate in all cases. So if you recognize the symptoms of depression in yourself or a loved one, take some time to explore the many treatment options. In most cases, the best approach involves a combination of self-help strategies, lifestyle changes, and professional help.
Ask for help and support
If even the thought of tackling your depression seems overwhelming, don’t panic. Feeling helpless and hopeless is a symptom of depression¾not the reality of your situation. It does not mean that you’re weak or you can’t change! The key to depression recovery is to start small and ask for help. Having a strong support system in place will speed your recovery. Isolation fuels depression, so reach out to others, even when you feel like being alone. Let your family and friends know what you’re going through and how they can support you.
Make healthy lifestyle changes
Lifestyle changes are not always easy to make, but they can have a big impact on depression. Take a good look at your own lifestyle. What changes could you make to support depression recovery? Self-help strategies that can be very effective include:
Cultivate supportive relationships
Get regular exercise and enough sleep
Eat a healthy, mood-boosting diet
Manage your stress and practice relaxation techniques
Challenge negative thought patterns
For help getting started and following through with positive lifestyle changes, see Recovery from Depression; Self-Help and Coping Tips.
Seek professional help
Lifestyle changes can help and support from family and friends. Ask them to go with you when you seek help from your family doctor to create a personalized treatment plan.
Exercising helps as well.. different environments. Having lots of YOU days. Creating easy goals to help. Let your family and friends in on your goals so they can help you achieve them.
Regular exercise is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to improve mood.
Exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, releases mood-elevating chemicals in the brain and can decrease stress hormones.
One of the best options to bust the blues is taking a brisk walk outside each morning for at least 30 minutes five days a week.
But what's important is that you choose something you enjoy and will stick with, whether it's going to the gym, signing up for dance classes, playing tennis, or gardening.
8) Light Therapy
Getting enough sunlight has been shown to be effective for seasonal mood changes that happen in the darker winter months.
Exposure to light in the morning helps the body's sleep/wake cycle work properly. Production of serotonin, a brain chemical that key in influencing our mood, is turned on in the morning upon exposure to light. During the winter when there is less sunlight, serotonin levels can drop, making us feel tired and prone to seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
Also, try self-help books, magazines, tapes, dvd,., instrumental music, to choice from. either online, bookstores,. And know that your family and friends care about you. And, always talk to them about your issues you face. As soon as you get someone on the phone,.. start talking. You'll be glad you did.
Go shopping if you like it. Change your wardrobe, be more daring in your outfits, just NOT aluring. Buy outfits that compliment your awesome figure. Even a slight figure is good. If you don't have any curves you are still beautiful. However for your hearts sake try to walk more to buff up. And, know your number: cholestrol, blood pressure,. The lower the better. Ask your friends and family for their help in creating that special look. Now were talking (bonding). And don't forget your hair, face, accessories.. they all go together.
And, be good to yourself. Always think to yourself you r special. Who ever hurt you in the past,. Thats their problem. And, also keep in mind what ever you r going through. It will pass. Just get your mind on something more productive. Get involved in your community as well. And keep in mind how u r feeling will pass in time. Just get away from the bad situation. I can't stress this enough always be around positive people. Try to smile, look for the beautiful things in life, go for a walk, be happy you survived your horrible ordeal. Do things for yourself for a while, pamper yourself. Gather your family and friends and ask them to help you in changing your wardrobe. Change of clothes, hair, how you wear them can bring out the best in you. Buy clothes that fit your new sponky personality. Change your scenery, your routine, bring beauty back in your life. Make a mental list/ or put in a diary what what ur likes r. Ur goals.. make them within reason. And give yourself plenty of time to accomplish them. Involve your friends,.. in on your goal list and they can encourage you every step of the way to make sure you meet your goals. By demoing love and strength in the challenged times.
Depression affects approximately 14 million adults in America today. If you're living with depression, you know only too well how it feels for you. But each person experiences depression in his or her own way. One person may sleep too much, while another sleeps too little. Some people don't eat enough and lose weight, while others overeat and gain weight. A diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder, commonly referred to as depression, requires having a depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in activities a person used to enjoy. In addition, 4 of the following symptoms must also be present nearly everyday for at least 2 weeks:
*Significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain (i.e., a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month), or decrease or increase in appetite. Insomnia or hypersomnia (excessive sleeping) nearly every day.
*Feeling restless or sluggish to the point that others notice
*Fatigue or loss of energy
*Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt
*Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness
Recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent suicidal thoughts without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide. Of course, depression is more than just a collection of symptoms: it's a common and serious medical condition that can feel overwhelming and
interfere with your ability to function. It may occur once, but for some people it can occur several times in their lives. It is estimated that depression affects about 14 million Americans in a given year, or approximately 1 out of 6 adults over a lifetime.
A diagnosis of depression and treatment should only be given by a healthcare professional. Recovering from depression is an ongoing process. That's why you and your healthcare professional need to keep working together.
Living with depression:
There are many challenges to living with depression. Even after going on antidepressant treatment, many people still experience symptoms of depression. Sometimes these unresolved symptoms may prevent people from enjoying the things they used to. When
you have unresolved symptoms of depression, the result is the same. You're looking for additional relief from your symptoms so you can continue to do the things you need to do as well as the things you enjoy doing.
Also keep in:
Antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts or behaviors in some children, teenagers, and young adults, especially within the first few months of treatment or when the dose is changed. Depression and other serious mental illnesses are themselves associated with an increase in the risk of suicide. Patients on antidepressants and their families or caregivers should watch for new or worsening depression symptoms, unusual changes in behavior, or thoughts of suicide. Such symptoms should be reported to the patient’s healthcare professional right away, especially if they are severe or occur suddenly. This is a family discussion and be careful. Good luck.
HI frienz, Plezd to meet u all. There are many types of sadness. I won't go into them. However depression is a deeper type of sadness. This type of sadness may go even deeper for a few. Depending ur type of situation. Talking about your pain to a loved one or a friend, will help along with the right rx medicine, as soon as possible. As soon as you reach someone, you start talking. Ask a loved one/'s to go with you when u see your family dr so you do not have to face this challenge by yourself. Doing healthy activities with the positive people in your life is a great way of feeling better. Being good to yourself is another way, changing ur life, is a start. If you are in an abusive situation find ways of getting out. Talk to your family,. And find a safe haven. Go to a movie,. Report the abuser, immediately. (If the abuser) is abusing u through joking, embarrassing u, any way that is not comfortible to you. They need to stop. He or she doesn't respect u. You deserve better in my opinion. I know in time and patience and also being with people (family, friends,..) who again loves you. It may be hard because you feel you alone,. However u need to realize there are better way of life than feeling sad, alone, or etc. The pain will end when you do something encouraging for yourself.. good luck, i have faith in you.. The only person who should feel sad is the person who created the pain in the first place, if you were abused. If there is another reason besides being physically or mentally abused then again start talking and heal will happen however it will take time. What ever happened will pass in time. I hope my blog helped..
Have a great dae to all.. ;-). Thank you for reading my opinion, I hope this helps.
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